Blog Posts

Le Scuole Sacra Famiglia fanno festa con le nuove felpe APE

Holy Family Schools Celebrate with New APE Swea...

The November 7, 2019 It was a day of great celebration for us. We remembered the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Holy Family Schools of Castelletto di Brenzone (Lake Garda, Verona). The...

Holy Family Schools Celebrate with New APE Swea...

The November 7, 2019 It was a day of great celebration for us. We remembered the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Holy Family Schools of Castelletto di Brenzone (Lake Garda, Verona). The...

Le borracce e felpe personalizzate create per i Salesiani, guardano all’ambiente

The personalized water bottles and sweatshirts ...

The Salesians of Sesto San Giovanni begin the school year in an innovative way, with an important and ethical project with ApE Social Wear . These are personalized aluminum water...

The personalized water bottles and sweatshirts ...

The Salesians of Sesto San Giovanni begin the school year in an innovative way, with an important and ethical project with ApE Social Wear . These are personalized aluminum water...

Magliette personalizzate: stampiamo il tuo progetto in cooperative sociali, facciamo del bene insieme!

Custom T-Shirts: We Print Your Project in Socia...

What does it mean to print in social cooperatives?  At Ape we have a mission: to do good.  There are so many ways to do good, we have decided to...

Custom T-Shirts: We Print Your Project in Socia...

What does it mean to print in social cooperatives?  At Ape we have a mission: to do good.  There are so many ways to do good, we have decided to...

Da Binasco arriva RestArt: magliette in aiuto contro il Coronavirus

From Binasco comes RestArt: T-shirts to help ag...

Many times in these days of forty I asked myself what I could do, as an aspiring architect with my creativity and imagination, to help and support my community in this particular...

From Binasco comes RestArt: T-shirts to help ag...

Many times in these days of forty I asked myself what I could do, as an aspiring architect with my creativity and imagination, to help and support my community in this particular...