Blog Posts

San Valentino: una festa d’amore che dura tutto l’anno

San Valentino: una festa d’amore che dura tutto...

San Valentino è la festa più romantica dell’anno, un’occasione speciale per celebrare l’amore in tutte le sue forme. Ma se ci fermiamo a riflettere, perché limitare la celebrazione dell’amore a...

San Valentino: una festa d’amore che dura tutto...

San Valentino è la festa più romantica dell’anno, un’occasione speciale per celebrare l’amore in tutte le sue forme. Ma se ci fermiamo a riflettere, perché limitare la celebrazione dell’amore a...

San Giovanni Bosco: Ispirazione per la Collezione del Mese

St. John Bosco: Inspiration for the Collection ...

St. John Bosco: Inspiration for the Collection of the Month This January, ApE Social Wear celebrates Saint John Bosco with a special collection of t-shirts and sweatshirts with a positive...

St. John Bosco: Inspiration for the Collection ...

St. John Bosco: Inspiration for the Collection of the Month This January, ApE Social Wear celebrates Saint John Bosco with a special collection of t-shirts and sweatshirts with a positive...

Felpe Personalizzate per la Cresima: Un Simbolo di Comodità e Solidarietà"

Personalized Confirmation Sweatshirts: A Symbol...

Recently, Don Piero Demita of the Parish of Sant'Antonio da Padova - Church of San Giovanni Paolo II, Mesagne (Brindisi), contacted me with an innovative idea for the Confirmation ceremony....

Personalized Confirmation Sweatshirts: A Symbol...

Recently, Don Piero Demita of the Parish of Sant'Antonio da Padova - Church of San Giovanni Paolo II, Mesagne (Brindisi), contacted me with an innovative idea for the Confirmation ceremony....

NIKO, non una semplice maglietta !

NIKO, not just a t-shirt!

Do you remember the story of Niko , who a few years ago was the victim of a bad motorcycle accident that forced him to live in a wheelchair. One...

NIKO, not just a t-shirt!

Do you remember the story of Niko , who a few years ago was the victim of a bad motorcycle accident that forced him to live in a wheelchair. One...

A sostegno dei profughi ucraini: Ape Social Wear in collaborazione con Siamo Mission

In support of Ukrainian refugees: Ape Social We...

In a time of crisis and difficulty that has affected the entire world, Ape Social Wear has not been able to remain indifferent. In fact, at this time it is...

In support of Ukrainian refugees: Ape Social We...

In a time of crisis and difficulty that has affected the entire world, Ape Social Wear has not been able to remain indifferent. In fact, at this time it is...

Covid 19 – Un oltre possibile.

Covid 19 – A possible beyond.

“If I were to desire anything, it would not be wealth or power, but the passion of possibility; I desire only an eye that, eternally young, burns eternally with the...

Covid 19 – A possible beyond.

“If I were to desire anything, it would not be wealth or power, but the passion of possibility; I desire only an eye that, eternally young, burns eternally with the...