Le borracce e felpe personalizzate create per i Salesiani, guardano all’ambiente

The personalized water bottles and sweatshirts created for the Salesians, look to the environment

The Salesians of Sesto San Giovanni begin the school year in an innovative way, with an important and ethical project with ApE Social Wear .

These are personalized aluminum water bottles and Christian sweatshirts that will be used by students, with particular attention to the environment and its protection.

Indeed, environmental sustainability is a topic that concerns us more and more closely. Central to governments, companies and individual citizens all over the world. ApE Social Wear also focuses on environmental awareness and the relevance of this problem through a project in collaboration with the Salesians. The Social Works of Don Bosco have created initiatives that involve young people because, following the example of St. John Bosco, they consider the educational issue important.

Thus, all students enrolled in the Don Bosco Social Works will be given free personalized “ plastic free ” water bottles made by ApE Social Wear to give voice to the green theme. The young people will therefore be able to use these personalized 0.75 l aluminum water bottles, created specifically for the Salesians in order to reduce and even eliminate the consumption of plastic and disposable containers.

Custom sweatshirts will also be made in high quality organic cotton . These Christian sweatshirts launch positive messages, always aimed at ethical and sustainable fashion.

The personalized water bottles and sweatshirts created for the Salesians

The personalized sweatshirts created for the Salesians

Pope Francis himself reminds us that: “The awareness of the gravity of the cultural and ecological crisis must translate into new habits”. For this reason, an approach to environmental sustainability is necessary and we at ApE Social Wear satisfy these needs.

Through an important project on personalized water bottles and Christian sweatshirts we want to pay attention to the environment to confirm that the Salesians are a school open to the future for the growth of the person.

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