Recently, Don Piero Demita of the Parish of Sant'Antonio da Padova - Church of San Giovanni Paolo II, Mesagne (Brindisi), contacted me with an innovative idea for the Confirmation ceremony. He proposed to the parents of the children about to receive the sacrament the possibility of having them wear personalized sweatshirts instead of the classic robe. A hooded sweatshirt in many colors, personalized with one of our phrases that already exists in our collection. Despite the initial informality of the proposal, he was struck by the enthusiastic welcome from the parents, who appreciated his particular request.
During discussions with the parents, Don Piero emphasized the solidarity mission of APE Social Wear and obtained the consent to proceed. So he contacted me and gave the ok for the customization and production of the sweatshirts, which were made in record time.
The final result, visible in the images, allowed the boys to choose the color of the sweatshirts, also receiving the approval of Bishop Giovanni Intini, who commented: "Holiness manifests itself in various forms, just like the colors of these sweatshirts! Always live up to the message you are transmitting: LIVE, LOVE, DREAM, BELIEVE."
This gesture brought great satisfaction and emotion, highlighting the importance of unity and simplicity even during significant moments such as Confirmation. Thinking that after Confirmation, these boys will be able to use the sweatshirt in other moments and above all make memories.
As the Founder of APE, I would never have thought that one of my sweatshirts could be used during a Confirmation and then, above all, reach so far, all the way to Puglia!!
Thank you don