“Sei fuoco e vento” è il cd della fede cristiana

“You are fire and wind” is the CD of the Christian faith

APE Social Wear supported the production of the new CD “Sei fuoco e vento” by the Shekinah choir together with the choir director, Filippo Bentivoglio .

Eleven songs by the author Andrea Testa have been reinterpreted by the young people of the diocese to share faith through the artistic language of music . The Church of Milan also promotes this project and part of the proceeds from the sale are donated to Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem , which provides high-quality medical care to approximately 38 thousand children a year, as the only exclusively pediatric hospital in the entire West Bank/Palestine .

Andrea Testa has decided to spread his passion for music, born in the oratory, and for this reason he has committed himself to the creation of simple melodies and musical structures that convey deeper contents of faith.

So, we at ApE Social Wear also participate in this great idea because we cannot remain on the sidelines when the diocese and our speakers take to the field.

We were also present at the third Oratory Happening , an event that took place in Molfetta in the province of Bari as a meeting of the animators of Italian oratories who shared a few days of community life together.

The CD can be purchased from this September at the Centro Ambrosiano In dialogo IPL , FOM – Fondazione Oratori Milanesi and also online. We put a unique musical experience at the center with a collection that proposes, with a completely new musical atmosphere, some of the most beautiful songs of the FOM repertoire.

And it is precisely one of his "historic" songs, now favored by hundreds of communities, that gives the album its title. It is important for us to support a project that wanted to translate into a different art form the teachings of the most beautiful book in history, the Gospel.

We want to accompany the entire universe of churches, parishes and dioceses to educate in faith and living in community.

“You are fire and wind” is the CD of the Christian faith

the cd of christian faith

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