Papa Francesco, le frasi più belle della benedizione “Urbi et Orbi”

Pope Francis, the most beautiful phrases of the blessing "Urbi et Orbi"

The March 27, 2020 we were moved by the prayer and by the Urbi et Orbi blessing That Pope Francis he stated in that St. Peter's Square deserted, creepy.

We were all struck by the words of the Holy Father and some phrases resonated with us more than others.

Obviously the whole speech should be transcribed Pope Francis , but for those who would like to delve deeper into some phrases taken from the prayer of March 27, we have transcribed the phrases that we liked the most, happy reading!

  • Open our hearts to hope.
  • We realized that we were in the same boat, all fragile and disoriented.
  • We are called to row together.
  • We have realized that we cannot go forward each on our own, but only together.
  • Why are you afraid? Have you no faith yet?
  • The storm unmasks our vulnerability and uncovers those false and superfluous certainties on which we have built our agendas.
  • With the storm, the makeup of those stereotypes with which we masked our egos, always concerned about our image, has fallen away.
  • We moved forward at full speed, feeling strong and capable of anything.
  • Greedy for gain, we have allowed ourselves to be subjected to things and stunned by haste.
  • We did not wake up in the face of wars and planetary injustices.
  • We have not listened to the cry of the poor and of our seriously ill planet.
  • We continued undaunted, thinking we would always remain healthy in a sick world.
  • A call to faith, which is not so much that You exist, but to come to You and trust You.
  • It's time to choose what matters and what passes.
  • It's time to reset the course of life towards You, Lord, and towards others.
  • No one saves themselves alone.
  • This is the strength of God: to turn everything that happens to us into good, even the bad things.
  • With God life never dies.

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