Oratori Estivi: le proposte di Ape Social Wear

Summer Oratories: Ape Social Wear's proposals

summer oratories proposals

Finally this year too Summer Oratories will allow children to live a wonderful experience. A great moment of grace where the entire educational community puts itself at the service of the little ones. Beautiful days where many ANIMATORS through play, snacks, prayers, trips... they will try to convey all those important values ​​for life. We at Ape have thought that this will be a great occasion where our animators will also be able to use a t-shirt communicate an important value . Our t-shirts are made in social cooperatives where disabled kids work and as always the idea is that by wearing it, those who see us can reflect on that phrase! For this summer we have made 5 t-shirts with different colors and messages.

Here are our proposals:

“Love Conquers All” T-Shirt

It is our proposal to dress all the children and ANIMATORS of our Oratories, Summer Centers, Grest. We give value to what we wear and what we want to communicate.

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Have you ever noticed that in the word ANIMATOR there is the word LOVE!! In our graphics each letter is then accompanied by many other characteristics of the ANIMAtor, there is also the CROSS... in short, a t-shirt to be discovered!! Perfect to wear during the summer oratory!

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“Straight to the heart” T-shirt

The t-shirt that reminds our ANIMATORS that everything we do (games, snacks, free time ..) will all be useful to get STRAIGHT to the HEART of each boy to make him live an experience that can accompany him for life.

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T-shirt “There is more joy in giving than in receiving”

Our wish is that our ANIMATORS can live their educational service with the words of St. Paul.

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“Peace Builders” T-shirt

The graphics of this t-shirt want to represent the construction of a house where each letter is a brick and on the foundation the symbol of peace. COSTRUTTORI DI PACE is the t-shirt for all ANIMATORS because PEACE is built from an early age.

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All the above mentioned t-shirts can be made in the colour you want and also the print colour can be chosen, so the customization is completely free . In our shop there are some models with prices intended for the public, to know the prices intended for speakers contact us at customization page for summer oratories and summer camps .

With the hope that our summer Oratories can make the kids live the most beautiful experience of their lives and we at APE want to accompany you on this adventure.

Follow us on social media to stay up to date on our latest news: APE Social Wear and @apesocialwear

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