Moda sostenibile: perché sceglierla

Sustainable fashion: why choose it?

Producing sustainable garments, without harming the environment?

Yes, it can be done, or at least Ape Social Wear is using all the energy necessary to achieve this goal.

Sustainable fashion: why choose it?

Fashion is one of the three most polluting sectors in the world: excessive water consumption, intensive use of chemicals and disproportionate exploitation of natural resources. Unsustainable practices that have significant impacts on environmental development indicators. It is therefore necessary to resort to sustainable solutions as regards consumption and production.

Sustainable Fashion: How to Produce Without Harming the Environment

All the products in our clothing line are made in Italy , specifically in Social Cooperatives where work is offered to those who need it most, allowing us to reduce significantly the emissions Of CO2 along the entire production chain.

The cotton what we use is organic: grown according to the rules of organic farming and with the exclusion of pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and over 1000 toxic substances harmful to the environment and human health. Substances that, instead, are commonly used in the cultivation of standard cotton and in subsequent production steps.

All the raw materials we use are equipped with rigid control certifications and global codes of conduct , in respect for human rights and environmental protection.

Our products, especially our t-shirts, have many certifications, such as GOTS , which certifies that the yarn is devoid of GMOs and toxic substances and has been treated and colored with products that are not harmful to humans and the environment. It also ensures that the laws of the International Labor Organization are respected throughout the production chain.

Many of the sweatshirts and t-shirts are made with 15% recycled polyester and the remainder from organic cotton.

Our products are also PETA certified, certifying that no testing has taken place on animals, and the garments are made from 100% vegan materials.

Another great certification we have tried to get for our t-shirts and sweatshirts isOEKO-TEX Standard 100 , as a testimony to how the products are free from harmful chemicals .

Big chains or fast fashion brands: we are not in competition. We believe in small production and in the satisfaction that our customers give us by choosing us every day, knowing that they have purchased a quality product that safeguards the environment.

Follow us on social media to stay up to date on our latest news: APE Social Wear And @apesocialwear

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