Le 8 frasi dell’Oratorio Feriale Estivo

The 8 phrases of the Oratorio Feriale Estivo

This summer will be characterized by the presence of new Summer Centers, due to the Coronavirus , which will replace the classic Oratorio Feriale Estivo . As you well know by now, these will be days of games in small groups and with many precautions to take, read here if you want to find out for yourself about the solutions we propose.

We asked our followers, via social media, to write us their favorite phrases or quotes that they associate with the Oratorio Estivo . First of all, we thank the many people who responded to us. Second, we have drawn up a list of the most beautiful and most emotional phrases, without taking anything away from the others.

So here it is, the list of 8 phrases from the Oratorio Feriale Estivo compiled by those who follow us on social media! (We warn you, there is an abundant presence of Saint John Bosco hahaha)

  • Education is a matter of the heart. Don Bosco
  • I am everything for you, I study for you, I pray for you and I work for you. Don Bosco
  • No adult becomes as great as when he bends down to help a child.
  • Freely you have received, freely you give. Gospel according to Matthew
  • Be good if you can. Saint Philip Neri
  • Love is the brush with which God paints the universe.
  • I want you to be happy in time and in eternity. Don Bosco
  • It's not how much you give but how much love you put into giving. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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