Le 10 frasi più belle firmate ApE

The 10 most beautiful phrases signed ApE

All the products signed Bee I am Made in Italy and are made in solidarity workshops where work is guaranteed to people in difficulty. Each product is customizable with a print of your choice or with our phrases, bearers of positive messages, ethical behaviors And Christian values.

Here it is, the list of 10 most beautiful phrases that you can find on our products, to live in perfect ApE style.

Our 10 most beautiful phrases signed ApE

1. He who changes himself changes the world

A writing for those who question themselves and are willing to change for a greater Good and be an inspiration.

2. To love someone is to show them their beauty

A print for all those who love others , showing them their beauty and their qualities through their own eyes.

3. Walk with your feet on the ground and with your heart inhabit the sky

Inspired by and dedicated to the Saint of Youth, Saint John Bosco , Don Bosco, who dedicated his life to young people and still inspires us today.

4. Good begets good

A writing that contains all the APE philosophy and a dedication to those who do good by trying to make the world a better place.

5. Take charge of your life and make it a masterpiece

A dedication to Saint John Paul II .

6. Be a pilgrim on the road of your dreams: take risks!

A dedication to Pope Francis , in collaboration with Corxiii. A hymn to life , using it in the right way.

7. Education is a matter of the heart

For those devoted to the Saint of Youth, Saint John Bosco .

8. The road opens by walking

A thought for those who want to walk physically and spiritually.

9. Don't put off until tomorrow the good you can do today

A quote from Don Bosco to encourage anyone to Don't put off doing good , because tomorrow may be too late.

10. You don't have to fight but if you want to, win!

A writing for those who know accept the challenges and always puts his all into winning them.

With passion and love we give life to t-shirts and sweatshirts with wonderful phrases, which can be of inspiration in ours behaviors daily life and a guide in our choices, present and future. Values important , but fundamentals to wear or give to those we love to remind us that for becoming a better person doesn't take much.

Follow us on social media to stay up to date: APE Social Wear and @apesocialwear

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