One day, by an impossible coincidence, Alumera's path crosses that of Ape Social Wear. And what happens when two creatives, with two projects that carry the message of the Gospel, meet?
They join forces, they join passion, they retrace the threads that led them to that meeting and flying, in the name of Love, is as natural as breathing.
Our thread is called Chiara Lubich, founder of the Focolare Movement, officially the Work of Mary, which is an international movement of spiritual and social renewal that aims to contribute to the unity of the human family according to the evangelical mandate “That all may be one”.
And we found ourselves perfectly in that ideal, in that dream and we asked ourselves how we could, by uniting our projects, concretely support this mandate?
Social media, our companions on the journey, could certainly be a channel to bring our message in Chiara's wake: be one in love.
Alessandro Ferrari, educator and CEO of Ape Social Wear ethical fashion brand and customizations for many groups throughout Italy.
Alumera, creative graphic designer, illustrator and blogger.
“One illustrates, the other prints.”
This collaboration was born so spontaneously that perhaps someone really wanted it.
“Have a big heart that loves everyone”
This phrase by Chiara Lubich encapsulated all the aims of our journeys.
Ape Social Wear. Create a brand of clothing engaging social cooperatives , allocating in charity share of the profits.
Alumera . Create and give to be a network of love.
Yes, we couldn't have chosen a better phrase for an initiative of #goodthatgeneratesgood.
Combining strength, passion and love we created a t-shirt with this wonderful phrase by Chiara.
Part of the proceeds will be donated to the Association Azione per Famiglie Nuove Onlus, founded by Chiara Lubich , which promotes support and training initiatives for the family, as well as projects to support disadvantaged children, in a perspective of sharing between cultures, religions and social realities.
A small gesture, which can be a big hug of love.
Ape Social Wear & Alumera
Follow us on social media to stay up to date: APE Social Wear And @apesocialwear