2020 will surely be remembered in the years to come as the year of Coronavirus . Obviously this summer there won't be the classic Oratorio Feriale Estivo , but apparently the Oratories will be able to organize Summer Centers for families who need them. They will be Summer Centers with very strict rules, so as not to endanger the children who will be present.
We at APE Social Wear have thought about how to accompany the speakers in this very particular summer and we do it in 3 points:
Personalized washable masks
First of all the obligatory accessories. The Oratorio Feriale is not really itself if there are not the classic teams and we thought of proposing a line of masks with the team colors . In addition, the masks are completely customizable, being able to insert the Oratory logo or the graphics you want.
Bracelet for safety distance
Certainly the novelty that distinguishes us most are the brand new bracelets that help you keep a safe distance . Each child must wear his or her own bracelet and when the distance between two or more children is less than the set safety distance, the bracelet vibrates and emits a light signal.
But that's not all: the truly exclusive feature is that the bracelet records all the contacts the user will have during the day, so as to be able to trace possible infected people in the event of Coronavirus. In this way, an Oratory cannot be closed for a single infection, isolating the users who have come into contact with the infected person, thus avoiding the emergence of new outbreaks .

New graphics for animators and managers
Among our proposals you certainly can't miss a new graphic created specifically for this particular historical moment . The t-shirt includes a series of safety instructions, the classic ones issued by the Regions, but with the addition of positive instructions to better experience the Summer Oratory. The owner stands out from the group with positive safety messages.
Also available are the our Summer 2020 graphics .

Discover the line of Ape Social Wear clothing
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