Talking about Summer Oratory in this period is more complex than ever given that at the moment, due to the Coronavirus , we are not even sure that we will be able to see our Oratories crowded with children and young people playing under the first summer sun, or at least not in the period or in the ways to which we are accustomed.
We are in a delicate and distressing moment. However, we want to see our animators again get involved in the courtyards and to be able to hug them again!
We don't know what will happen this summer, but we at APE Social Wear we really want to not let our hope be stolen.

Summer Weekday Oratory Boys
We think we are not saying something impossible if we say that each of us has attended the Oratorio Feriale Estivo for at least one year. at a very young age, between elementary and high school to be clear, and we have certainly been or have met some Oratory classmates that we would define “particulars”.
Here's a roundup of “Summer Weekday Oratory types” :
The Playboy
We know very well that just by reading the title you already thought of that friend of yours from Oratorio Feriale who comes and participates only and exclusively to hit on girls, and this applies to both boys and Animators.
It must be said that thanks to this characteristic, the Playboy participates in all games and activities with enthusiasm, even if only with one goal in mind: get noticed.
The Throne-Bearer
And here is the one that the Playboy envies the most: the Tronista. This type of boy or Animator has the ability to be wanted by most of the girls present in the Oratory. He doesn't have to do anything special , just sit on a bench and wait to be surrounded.
Whether he plays or not, one thing is certain, even without wanting to he will be the center of attention. Obviously in this case, more than ever, the female variant .
The Lazy One
Here he is. The one who doesn't want to do anything at all. The boy parked in the shade on the chairs or benches he looks at… He just looks.
The only physical activity in which he puts his heart and soul is resisting the Animators who regularly try to pull him or convince him to invite him to play, but he does not give up, he is faithful to his position as a lazy person. Sometimes he is catapulted onto the field, but the Lazy Person is also smart, in fact at the first opportunity it gets eliminated immediately to get back to doing what he was doing.
This typology obviously includes the Lazy Nerd , the one who comes to the Oratory only and exclusively with his cards or his video game. You usually find him under a porch or a tent professing advice on unlikely strategies or video game tips that his cousin who lives in Canada told him.
Let's draw a veil over the attitude this individual has during the Treasure Hunt .
The Enthusiast
There is no doubt, if you are looking for the Enthusiast, then you need to go to the playing fields. The one who can't wait to play anything, just run , and the Enthusiast runs… Always runs.
First of the group to jump into the fray, first overall to to cheer like an ultra when his team wins. At the end of the day, you recognize the Enthusiast because his Oratorio Feriale Estivo uniform is in a bad state. The only thing not enthusiastic about this type of boy, in fact, are the mothers.
The Polemic
All, and we mean all, Summer Weekday Oratories have this type of boy within them, and it is not always and only children or teenagers, but also Animators!
The Polemicist is always ready to criticize the Animator who is refereeing the game, at every action he is there trying to catch the director out. Nothing ever goes well for him, not even the Nutella sandwich they gave him for a snack, because that day he wanted bread and salami.
Be careful because the Polemicist can also be observed in the evenings of games organized for parents. Yes, because the polemicist, apparently, can be hereditary.
The Babysitter
While boys are usually divided into age groups, this is not the case for this type of girl from the Oratorio Feriale Estivo.
The Babysitter she's already an Animator in her blood. She who already during middle school age wants to manage the younger girls, organizing small groups around the courtyard of the Oratory.
Point of reference for the very young girls of the Feriale and organizer of group dances during the day.
The Taste Hunter
In Italian the “Taste Hunter”. This particular typology It has its exploit in two very specific moments: the snack and the opening of the Oratory bar (not to mention lunch and the fact that he has at least 7 snacks in his backpack to avoid a sugar crash during the day).
First in line for snacks (we suspect that the Taste Hunter has the alarm set 5 minutes before each snack to randomly end up in front of the kitchen at the exact time), and infallible in making purchases at the bar. He is hardly noticeable on the playing fields.
The Bans Man and the Bans Woman
This type is exclusive to the Animators. The Bans Man and Woman live to show off their repertoire of Group Dances and Bans.
Usually very graceful and usually with a fair amount of success given the elegant movements they have. As much as you don't want to take part in a Bans, trust me, you will eventually fall into their musical trap.
Obviously there are infinite typologies, and all very special and unique , some nice and some less so, but we are all fond of each of them.
We bet you find yourself in at least one of the types below Summer Weekday Oratory described. Thank you for reading this far, and we remind you that for information and quotes on clothing for your Oratory .
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