“Multicolor Sweatshirts for Boys Multicolor”
Fabulous! We made some custom sweatshirts for a group of kids who attend the SERMIG (Arsenal of Peace of Turin).
These sweatshirts They are multicolor with hood, they were made in social cooperatives where young people with disabilities work.
Paolo and Thais, part of the SERMIG fraternity, follow the path of these boys and tell us that in the years spent together with the children, boys and young people in the oratory of their town, they have fundamentally understood 3 things…
Wonderful chaotic gardens under construction that perceive from miles away if you are there for them, if you are real and if you love them.
In the Arsenale together with the Fraternity of Hope of Sermig we try to do this: love them, make them feel that this is their home and make them perceive the presence of Jesus, a faithful friend.
Throughout the year we try to keep some fixed moments:
4 weeks of camps (more or less every 3 months) and the weekend at the end of each month.
These moments are mixed with service, prayer, play, meetings to grow together and bring out what we have inside and what we are.
It is not always easy to come to terms with ourselves or to have the courage to share our struggles, pains, challenges or ideas. It is not always easy to "take off" the mask that young people are "forced" to wear and to show the beauty they have inside and above all that they can desire beautiful things in their life.
This is one of our greatest responsibilities: to be close to our children, to love them, to care for them, to be a point of reference on which they can ALWAYS count, if we walk together keeping in mind our gaze in Him this small handful of kids can change a piece of the world.
We are always amazed by how every time, looking at their faces after some time spent together, we find them transformed, serene, changed, more guardians of each other, and how they desire this thing deep down.
We are there for them and will ALWAYS be there.
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