On January 31st, at the end of the education week, we remembered Saint John Bosco : a saint who today more than ever can help us face the great educational emergency that has taken hold within our society.
He dedicated his entire life to serving young people, caring about their rights and having their education at heart. Don Bosco , in fact, addressing a group of Salesians from Turin in 1878 he said:
“Do you want to do something good? Educate the youth.
Do you want to do something holy? Educate the youth.
Do you want to do something very holy? Educate the youth.
Do you want to do something divine? Educate the youth. Indeed, among divine things, this is the most divine.”
His example pushes us to get involved with young people and more generally, with those entrusted to us; in this, however, we must be aware that there is no recipe for the perfect educator ; for the father, the mother who always know the right thing to do in any situation because, let's face it, being parents and educators is an arduous, tiring task, which requires "leaning out", that is, entering an area of risk and possible error.
But we must not get discouraged, but rather remember that " education is a matter of the heart ". In fact, before anything else, educating is synonymous with loving! And Don Bosco affirms this well, reminding us of the importance of to love young people and at the same time make them understand that they are loved .
It would be enough to start from this to rebuild a society attentive to the needs of the times.
The invitation we make to you, dear readers of ape, is therefore to persevere in the educational work and to never tire of sowing love (without expecting to reap the fruits immediately) keeping your feet on the ground and living in heaven with your heart!
Valeria Tampini
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