All designer clothing Ape Social Wear they are made with organic cotton, or organic cotton.
A type of cotton that is grown naturally with low environmental impact methods, where the weeds present are eliminated manually without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
Organic Cotton: 5 Fun Facts
1. Hypoallergenic and skin-friendly
The characteristics of organic cotton are preferred over those of traditional cotton in many production chains, such as the textile one. It is very soft and hypoallergenic on the skin, therefore ideal and recommended for all people who suffer from allergies. Furthermore, it is easy to wash and suitable for taking care of the whole family.
A fiber that is good for both people and the environment.
2. Grown according to organic farming rules
Organic cotton is grown following the rules of organic farming, just like food products. The basis of a textile certification, which attests to the organic origin of cotton, is certainly the exclusion of pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and over 1000 toxic substances harmful to the environment and human health. These substances are, however, commonly used both in the cultivation of standard cotton and in subsequent production steps.
3. Growing non-organic cotton causes pollution
One of the main causes of global pollution is the cultivation of standard cotton, because it requires the use of harmful substances that persist in the fabric even after washing. Over time, some of these substances are absorbed by our skin, while another part is released into the water with each wash, polluting the seas and oceans.
Organic cotton cultivation, on the other hand, is growing every year and its production is increasing exponentially, by about 20% every year. At present, however, the percentage of organic cotton cultivation, despite being growing, is still very low and represents about 1% of world cotton production.
4. Organic cotton cuts emissions by 46%
The international study on the Life Cycle Assessment (Lca) of organic cotton has shown how the responsible cultivation of this fiber can generate a lower environmental impact than the cultivation of conventional cotton. In particular, organic cotton reduces emissions of climate-damaging gases by 46%.
There cultivation of the standard cotton , in fact, is among the most polluting. To produce a simple t-shirt, almost 3000 liters of water , most of which is used for the treatment of the fiber and not for the growth of the plant. This is also why the use of cotton is now increasingly giving way to that of other vegetable yarns, such as hemp or bamboo.
5. Saving water and energy
The Impact of Growing Organic Cotton reduces water consumption by 91% mainly intended for irrigation and of 62% primary energy consumption . But that's not all. The production processes of this material allow for reduce eutrophication, or the excessive enrichment of the ecosystem with nutrients, by 26% , and of 70% the emissions responsible for acidification . With an overall 46% less risk of contributing to global warming .
Organic cotton should also be hand-picked, ensuring greater purity of the fiber.
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