Corsa alla Vita

Race for Life

On your marks, ready!
Hello everyone, my name is Paul DiGiovanni – Instagram profile – , and I'm an athlete.

I love running fast!
I love Athletics and speed.
I am a 400m runner, and I often face what many call the “loop of death”.

I have taken part in various Italian Championships, but even before being an athlete I am a boy like many others, I study Veterinary Medicine and I am also a Clowndoctor.

Nice to meet you again, my stage name is Cap , given the height.

A running cork, doesn't that seem a little strange to you?
Running for me is living, dream.

Despite the various injuries that have happened to me over time, I have never given up, keeping my gaze fixed on the goals to be achieved and objectives to be achieved, in Sport as in Life.
I have always believed in the phrase of dear Mennea “Effort is never wasted, you suffer but you dream.”
I felt a lot of fatigue and discouragement when I was diagnosed with cancer last October.

Everything was put on hold, now it was really necessary to run a different race, a Giro per la Vita.
I've always known how important it was the gift of Life, but in these last months I have learned to love and appreciate it even more than before, trusting and entrusting myself to the One who gave us this gift to make it an authentic masterpiece.
Faced with these problems, one perceives that the Life It's like a crystal: wonderful, but at the same time fragile.

We realize that only Love remains, therefore we must only care about him, about Love.
In my case, it was precisely the love for a newborn granddaughter, for a unique girlfriend, and for my family, that made me get back on my feet immediately.
All this, combined with my greatest passion, Athletics, allowed me to courageously return to the track immediately, because as it teaches us BEE in one t-shirt that I decided to take with me on my return race, (the most beautiful of my life) “Everything starts if you want it!”

And I really want it, because between the two choices, that of remaining seated in the stands of Life and feeling sorry for myself and that of going back on the track, I preferred the second!
There are many future projects and ideas, for now I choose to bring them on the track with me messages of good, with the hope that they can be a warning to many as they have been to me.

I hug you tightly and Long live life!






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