Brand etico Ape: dire il bene con una t-shirt. Intervista per Credere 2022

Ethical Brand Ape: Saying Good with a T-Shirt. Interview for Credere 2022

The Ethical brand Ape born from the mind of an ethical entrepreneur, Alessandro Ferrari and in the first issue of Credere, a weekly magazine of news, religion and Christian education, which inaugurates the new year, you can find an interview with him, where he reveals how the idea of ​​founding Ape was born and what the meaning behind this name and the philosophy of the brand is.

“A story of enterprise and faith that continues to grow.”

Alessandro Ferrari, born as an advertising graphic designer, discovered his faith at the Oratory of Sesto San Giovanni and from that moment he became an educator, obtaining a degree in Religious Sciences. He then merged all his passions: fashion, graphics and the desire to help others, to give life to a clothing line who becomes a bearer of positive messages, a missionary of good.

Ethical Branding: How?

Employing in the production of garments raw materials not harmful to the environment and producing the products in social cooperatives where jobs are offered to those who need them most.

“Because everything starts from a bee, or rather: from seven!”

Alessandro reveals to us that it was 7 bee stings at the Oratory that initially led him to receive this nickname, which has taken on a different meaning over time, becoming: All People Enlightened – all people enlighten.

The stings of that young boy, to whom Alessandro dedicated the brand's logo, left an indelible mark that allowed him to fly higher and higher, continuing to send messages of goodness into the world.

Follow us on social media to stay up to date: APE Social Wear And @apesocialwear

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