Ape Social Ware con il Prof. Roberto Miglio contro il Parkinson

Ape Social Ware with Prof. Roberto Miglio against Parkinson's

Roberto Miglio , a fifty-year-old physical education teacher, who has always been passionate about sport, discovered a few months ago that he had the Parkinson's disease .

After an initial moment of discouragement and closure, thinking about when he will have to leave the profession he loves so much, thanks to the support of his wife, students and colleagues at the school where he teaches (the “Maria Ausiliatrice” in San Donato Milanese) and faith, with the neurologist Fabrizio Pisano he decided to found an association to support other patients , giving hope and courage.

Alessandro Ferrari met Prof. Miglio during his time as an educator at the Santa Maria Ausiliatrice school in San Donato Milanese and a great friendship was born immediately.

Now Ape Social Wear wants to support this wonderful initiative to raise funds for research against Parkinson's .

We have made t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, bags and tubular band all personalized with the slogan decided by Prof. Miglio and with the graphics created by our graphic staff.


Discover the line of Ape Social Wear clothing

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