Abbigliamento Ape per La Quercia Onlus.

Clothing Bee for La Quercia Onlus.

There are many associations that ask us for personalized garments to promote their activities and dress their volunteers.

A piece of news from the last few days is that we have recently created a line of clothing , composed of the sweatshirts with hood, t-shirts and official cups for the family association “ La Quercia” ONLUS.

Clothing Bee for the Oak Onlus

April 9, 2021

The association was founded in 1991 thanks to 10 families “united by a common destiny” . Since then The Oak ONLUS brought together more than 50 families increasing their services and increasing leisure activities.

Currently manages a Socio-Educational Centre, a project of work autonomy, a didactic apartment for the “Dopo di Noi” , free time workshops (speech therapy, music therapy, osteopathy, speaking groups for adults and disabled people) and moments of aggregation for member families.

For us at Ape it is an honor to design and create everything that may be needed to associations that work for good.

In our clothing catalog groups can find t-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, backpacks, bags, bracelets and much more! Click here and find out more .

Follow us on social media to stay up to date: APE Social Wear And @apesocialwear

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